Assets Ltd. is a full service Human Resources Consulting and coaching
firm. With more than Seventeen years experience in the corporate HR
arena, its’ founder and president, Pattie Hamons is certified
as both a Senior Professional in Human Resources and a Certified Professional
Behavioral Analyst. Pattie knows the real world issues that both company
Presidents and Human Resources professionals face every day while muddling
through the endless maze of regulations, legalities and personnel issues.
Assets can provide on going Human Resources consulting, or project based
assistance. We handle everything from drafting company handbooks to
Sexual Harassment investigations and training in addition to assistance
in recruiting and hiring.
do poor hiring and promoting decisions cost your company each year?
We provide a wide variety of pre-employment assessments and the expertise
to help you use the results in a manner that can reduce turnover, headaches
and hiring costs. Many assessments are also available to determine if
changing a current employees responsibilities or promoting them will
enhance or diminish their productivity. All of our assessments are validated
and have been demonstrated to provide accurate information with no adverse
impact. Each assessment is recommended and/or designed to provide you
with the most useful information possible at the lowest cost.
provide training for management, administrative and sales staff at our
facility, your facility, or offsite. Let us help you make the most out
of your staff. We are your Complete Human Resource Solution.
Assets is a full service Human Resource Solution provider. We offer
a wide variety of services for the small business that has human resource
issues yet, they are not ready to hire a human resource person on staff.
Or the company that has a human resource staff that needs a project
done. We provide the following services and many that are not listed: